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Complications During Checkout

What can I do If I experience a problem during checkout?

If you experience a complication during the checkout process, there are some simple steps to take that may help to resolve the complication.

1. Input Credit Card Information Correctly:

  • Do not use spaces, dashes or other characters when placing in your credit card number.
  • Please make sure the expiration date and security code are correct.
  • Please input your name, as it appears on your card, in the appropriate field.

2. Check Firewall and/or Security Settings

If you try to access your account from work or a public computer, please be advised that some companies may have adjusted their security settings to block potentially hazardous websites. Accessing the Kraftwurx site while Firewall and Security settings are set to "High" can disrupt many basic functions of the site, including the checkout process. If your computer accesses the web through a business internet, please ask the computer's IT Administrator to add our webpage as a "Trusted Site."

If you are using your own connection, make sure that your security settings are adjusted to "Medium" or "Default" and Kraftwurx .com has been added as a "Trusted Site."

3. Multiple Failed Attempts Processing a Credit Card Transaction

If you have tried to process your transaction with the same credit card several times and your order has failed to be completed, then there is a possibility that your credit card has been locked out by our system as a precautionary measure. We do this as a means to safeguard your card from being used fraudulently in the general order process.

What can you do in this case?

  • Try placing your order with a different credit card.
  • Use PayPal to complete your transaction.
  • Wait 24 hours and try again with the same card.

PayPal Complications

We collect funds from your PayPal account only when a new order has moved into the processed state. You must have a valid credit card or debit account linked to your PayPal account to proceed through checkout.

If you have encountered an error during the checkout process or received a message of payment failure while attempting to finalize your transaction, be advised that your order has NOT been processed until you have reached the final order confirmation page. This holds true even in cases where PayPal provides an order confirmation with a Kraftwurx-like order number (despite never reaching the Kraftwurx end page). If you encounter such an error, please contact us and we will be happy to assist in the finalization of your order. In some instances you my need to contact PayPal to ascertain the nature of the payment failure.

We assure you that you will only be charged for orders that are finalized and verified through our on-line order system.

Declined PayPal Transactions

There are several reasons your payment may have been declined by PayPal:

  • Suspicion of fraud or incorrect billing information.
  • Invalid credit card or account linked to Paypal.
  • Insufficient funds.

For more information, please Log in to Your PayPal account , or contact PayPal Customer Support .

Captured Funds and Pre-Authorization Charges

Have a question about multiple charges for a single order or a persistent charge for an order that was canceled?

Please click here for more information on Captured Funds and Pre-Authorization Charges .


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