Hearts Linked in Love
Design Overview: This heart pendant has 3 smaller hearts linked to it representing the bonds we make with Love. Production Information: This has passed all manual checks and is currently in production. As soon as I get it, I will post pictures. Product Designer: This pendant was designed by me, Darren Hartenstine.

Golf Ball Ring
I created this with the Game in mind and designed 3 rows of 18 dimples (per row) cut into the face.

Masonic Working Tools
Design Overview: These are the standard Working Tools for a Freemason. There is about .017 (+/-.005) inches of material shrinking when printing in metal. This is why you will hear other designers recommend getting one size larger. I accounted for this shrinking in my design so that the resulting ring will be the right Ring Size. Note - this ring is narrow at .about .25 (1/4) Inches wide. Use the Personalize button on the right to enter in your requested Ring Size. Available sizes range from a 5 to 13. I purchased this in Stainless Steel first to get an understanding of the form and fit of 3D Printed Ring. Although it looks amazing and has this antique look to it, the Ring tends to brown my skin. Because of this, I recommend getting Silver or Gold Plated Brass. Ring Size Chart: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_size Production Information I've made some changes to the ring and exaggerated the working tools more so they're easier to see. A friend has purchased a ring in Gold Plated Brass and as soon as he gets it, I will post additional pictures. Product Designer: This Ring was designed by me, Darren Hartenstine. If you're curious why a Masonic Ring in my mix of Products - well, I'm a Freemason and wanted a ring that embodied my ambition and drive in becoming a better man. In the spirit of masonry, how better than designing it myself using the tools of modern times.

Butterfly Pendant
I'm working on scaling this design down for a smaller pendant, but at it's current size of nearly 4.5 Inches - this Butterfly will receive any type of necklace chain or rope. This Butterfly is also large enough to get printed in one of the Strong and Flexible materials. You can hang it on a window, use it as an ornament for a Christmas Tree, hang it from a car mirror, and just about any other place you would love to see it displayed.

Cascading Hearts
My entire life has been permeated with Hearts. It's the result of having Hart as part of my last name. This Heart design is the foundation for many of my other creations that are available in my shop.

Protected Love Heart Pendant
We all protect those we Love and this pendant does it with a cage of Hearts.

Pawn - Key Chain or Necklace Pendant
Playing a necessary function in a strategic game, Pawns just get used and abused. Barely standing 1.2 Inches or 30 Millimeters tall, this Chess Piece will... fit on a Key Chain.

Rook - Key Chain or Necklace Pendant
Are you a pillar or strength or guardian of honor - The Castle...I mean Rook stands 1.3 Inches or 33 Millimeters tall and shouts power from any Key Chain or Necklace.

Bishop - Key Chain or Necklace Pendant
The Bishop wasn't the most difficult pieces to design in my series, but in my Chess game- it's plays an extremely versatile and important role. Standing 1.5 Inches or 38 Millimeters tall, this Bishop would look perfect on any Key Chain or hung from any king of Necklace.

Knight - Key Chain or Necklace Pendant
When I started designing this Knight, it was taking on more of a passive Pony look, but after some adjustments - I feel it has attitude and style. It stands 1.4 Inches or 35.5 Millimeters tall and would look amazing on any Key Chain.

Queen - Key Chain or Necklace Pendant
The most powerful piece on any Chess Board, the Queen is decorated with embossed jewels and a monogrammed crown. She stands 1.5 Inches or 38 Millimeters tall and screams "I'm a Queen" from any Key Chain or Necklace. Of course, not literally screaming, right?

King - Key Chain or Necklace Pendant
Show off your King-size attitude with this custom designed Chess piece. Standing 1.5 Inches or 38.1 Millimeters tall, this King adds character to any bland Key Chain or adds to one's persona by wearing it around your neck on a Necklace.